About our breads December 7, 2014 18:41
Most of our European style breads are made from whole grain rye, oats and wheat, but may also contain barley or so called ancient grains.
They are made without any artificial additives and many of them are also made without yeast using natural organic sourdough that naturally helps keep the bread longer without any artificial preservatives.
SOURDOUGH helps to increase and reinforce our body's absorption of cereal grains and is particularly good in breaking down the gluten (grain protein) to make it more digestible. The fermentation process increases the content of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus in the bread as well as in the gut, and it contains a host of nutrients: Vitamins B1-B6,B12, folate,thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin E, selenium, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium.
100 % WHOLE GRAINS are high in fiber so they keep you full longer and are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and diabetes. WHOLE GRAIN RYE has more soluble fiber than whole wheat making it more effective controlling cholesterol level in blood and it also has a low glycemic index which means that it will not cause a spike in blood sugar the same way as wheat and helps in weight loss.
FINNISH RYE BREAD has belonged to the Finnish diet since Stone Age, and our 100 % whole grain rye bread is still made using the same old fashion slow all natural sourdough fermentation process. It cannot be rushed. The grain itself has not been changed or modified for better baking like wheat for example, it is still the same old Stone Age itself and easy to digest.The Rye Breads come in different shapes and using slightly different baking methods, and some come in boxes and are called Crisp Breads that are flatbreads with very low water content and very long shelf life. They are excellent for camping and emergency food storage - if you can keep your hands off them long enough.
CRISP BREADS are either 100 % whole rye or mixed with other grains, and often made with sourdough. They are not meant to be eaten dry but buttered and topped with cheese and cold cuts, thinly sliced cucumber and often paired with boiled egg and marinated herring - an acquired Nordic taste.
We hope that this will help you to understand the Scandinavian bread culture, the nutritional values and the health benefits.
Bon appetit !
For more info:
The World's Healthiest Foods/ (search for rye)